
How To Repair Cracked Atv Fender

You can expect to pay anywhere from $100, $200, even $500 or more than for replacement fenders and other plastic parts for dirt bikes and ATVs . Now, you take an economically priced option to deal with the trouble of croaky and broken fenders -- the ATV Fender Welder! The ATV Fender Welder is the first plastic welder specifically designed for the do-information technology-yourselfer. It's so easy...

Take a look at this fender. This will requite y'all an idea of the kind of repair that can is possible with the easy-to-apply ATV Fender Welder.


Quad fender repair


Quad fender repair

Hopefully, your fenders aren't this bad, just it's reassuring to know that it can be repaired.

"Will it make the fender look brand new?"

I wish information technology did. Unfortunately, you will be able to encounter where the repair was made. But y'all demand to decide what is more important... Having expensive new fenders that look corking, or... Having fully functional fenders and saving some cash.

Here is one way you can make it wait a lot better (and this is what I did with mine)...

After your weld has cooled downwards, sand it with eighty grit, so 180 grit. It will await really bad at this point, but you lot're not done yet. You might even say information technology looks fuzzy.

Now take a heat gun... and merely smash the hot air accross the fuzz. This volition melt the plastic just enough so that information technology looks wet. When it cools, information technology volition look smooth over again.

*** Exist careful non to hold the rut on the fender likewise long though. Otherwise yous will warp the fender. You lot are trying to melt just the surface.

"Is it a strong repair?"

Yes. If the fender does pause once more, it will probably intermission in the same place, just there is a way to brand it much stronger. Hither'south how...

Cut a piece of Stainless Steel Reinforcing Mesh nearly 1 inch broad and the length of the crack. Use the tip of the welder and push information technology downward into the plastic . (You might want to exercise it on the backside, since it will non be pretty). Permit it cool off and and so stop the repair. Burying the wire mesh into the plastic is like putting rebar in concrete... it makes it much stronger.

"Can I pigment the plastic?"

We have heard some success stories in painting ATV fenders. Here are some fenders that were painted past Full Blown Kustoms

Full Blown Kustoms

To see step by footstep procedures for painting ATV plastics, Click Here

How To Repair Cracked Atv Fender,


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