
How To Install Artificial Grass Between Flagstone

Allow's be honest – Every homeowner's dream is having a beautiful and smooth backyard in their yards…

But the truth is, this takes a lot of work. A natural backyard requires a lot of regular care to keep it looking lively and appealing.

Artificial grass is a great alternative, with many of the same benefits merely much fewer maintenance requirements. The catchy part is laying them in between pavers…

Today, we're going to show you exactly how to practise this. Later installing artificial lawns in hundreds of households around the world, our team is now giving you the knowledge to do the same.

Installing an artificial backyard in identify of a natural one can completely modify the way you think of lawn care. While installation might be a scrap catchy, your backyard volition last for many years with minimal maintenance.

Information technology's as well a swell choice because it is environmentally friendly, safe for the whole family, easy to care for, and not-skid. Considering of its great aesthetics and functional capabilities, there's also a lot of versatility in how and where you can lay information technology.

Laying artificial grass between pavers is easy once you learn the specific techniques involved. Simply follow the steps laid out in this commodity, and you'll take a perfect lawn with pavers in no fourth dimension!

  1. Can Y'all Install Bogus Grass Between Pavers?
  2. How To Install Artificial Grass Between Pavers: The Consummate Guide
    • Strip Method Versus Cutting Around
    • Step ane: Set The Basis For Drainage
    • Stride ii: Install Sub-Base
    • Footstep iii: Roll Out And Lay The Bogus Grass
    • Step 4: Nail The Grass Downwardly
    • Step 5: Cut Around The Pavers
    • Pace six: Secure The Artificial Grass
    • Step 7: Trim And Make The Joins
    • Step eight: Install Infill And Brush
  3. Determination

Can You Install Artificial Grass Between Pavers?

Yep! It's possible to install artificial grass betwixt pavers, but yous take to take into account how to brand space for the pavers to protrude through your artificial grass.

Afterward the installation, all the same, life becomes a lot easier. Unlike natural grass, y'all don't have to worry well-nigh the fragile work of weeding, mowing, and maintaining the grass betwixt the pavers. Information technology can be very challenging having to practise this in a very narrow space.

Any artificial lawn installation begins with ground piece of work. For standard ground installation, the top layer of soil has to exist excavated earlier a sub-base of operations is laid on meridian. On concrete surfaces, you may have to drill drainage holes prior to laying the grass downwardly.

Getting the installation done correctly is crucial so that there is no loss of strength, structure or drainage ability over time. It's well worth it to exercise this properly – A good installation can exist enjoyed for around 20 years.

How To Install Artificial Grass Between Pavers: The Complete Guide

As nosotros've mentioned above, the procedure of laying artificial grass between pavers is a bit trickier than normal. When combining artificial grass and pavers, there is more measurement and precision required, but the final results are worth the effort.

At that place are two methods to lay artificial grass between existing pavers. You can utilize the strip method or opt to cut around the pavers. Each of these has its pros and cons.

Strip Method Versus Cutting Around

Artificial grass comes in large rolls. The dazzler of this is that it can be cut and shaped to friction match the existing landscape.

You tin can cut information technology into strips or brand curved edges, every bit long as you use a sharp knife and do and so carefully. Information technology's this versatility of bogus lawn that makes information technology so easy to fit into existing 1000 designs.

When information technology comes to laying it in between pavers, y'all have 2 options:

The strip method involves cutting and gluing down strips in between the pavers. With this method, there is less wastage. You simply use and cut exactly what you need.

The downside of the strip method is that it is a lot less secure, and usually ends up looking patchy since there are many joins to exist made. Joining different pieces of artificial grass takes a lot of piece of work, and you run the risk of having visible seams.

Unless the gaps in betwixt the pavers are really small, we recommend using the cut effectually method instead of the strip method.

For this, you start by laying a large piece of artificial grass across the pavers, and make conscientious cuts around the pavers to allow them to protrude through the grass layer.

It'south the aforementioned method our team uses in our installations. Only follow the steps below to exercise the same yourself:

Stride 1: Prepare The Basis For Drainage

Before getting started, the first affair you need to exercise is cheque how well water drains between pavers. Skilful drainage is crucial in whatever type of artificial grass installation to forestall puddles and floods down the road.

Check what type of basis is in between the pavers. If it is simply basis or soil, y'all can lay a sub-base as with a normal awarding. You will have to compact this manually with a hand tamp that fits in between the pavers.

On the other hand, if the ground between the pavers is physical, cement, or rock, you lot must first check the grading on this surface. This refers to a slight gradient built into the footing during construction to let for water to run-off easily, and preventing information technology from accumulating on one spot.

If in that location is insufficient grading, you must either grade the physical first or drill drainage holes through the concrete layer.

In any case, the all-time fashion to double check drainage ability is to spray h2o over the ground. Check to see if there are whatever pools or puddles that form – These are the areas in which you should focus on with drainage holes.

Finally, loosely pack any drainage holes made with pea shingle before proceeding.

Pace 2: Install Sub-Base of operations

Whether you find concrete or soil between your pavers, a sub-base of operations layer is still recommended for optimal drainage and performance.

Laying and compacting sub-base in between pavers is tricky: Mostly, a plate compactor will not fit between the pavers, while a hand tamp volition not give you lot a sufficient caste of compaction.

Instead, we recommend manually compacting it with a brick: Fit the brick between the pavers, and compact the sub-base of operations underneath by striking it with a heavy hammer.

Step 3: Roll Out And Lay The Artificial Grass

Afterwards the ground is prepared, whorl out the bogus grass on superlative of the pavers. Rest it in that location on a sunny 24-hour interval for at least 4 hours before installing – This will allow the fibers to stand once again, and the grass backing to mold and form effectually the pavers.

You lot can also walk in betwixt the pavers to help the grass backing conform around the shape of the pavers. This will make the installation a lot easier later.

Ideally, yous want to accept the fibers naturally point towards the business firm for the best viewing bending. Each section should also have the fibers lined up and facing the aforementioned direction.

We recommend leaving a expert corporeality of excess grass in between your panels – This volition give you room for mistake when making joins between these pieces.

Pace 4: Smash The Grass Down

In one case the grass is laid out and rested, it is time to gear up information technology to the ground. You tin can exercise this by nailing the grass downwards centered in between the pavers, around 1 inch apart.

Doing this stops the grass from shifting effectually when you're actually making your cuts.

These nails are temporary, and you volition have to remove them after, so avoid hammering them down all the style.

For harder surfaces like physical and rock, yous may but skip this footstep. Instead, agree the grass down with your own weight and be careful not to shift the lawn around.

Step v: Cut Around The Pavers

Now comes the most important step equally far as the final appearance is concerned. Cutting betwixt the pavers properly gives a beautiful clean-cut look to your yard. Do it badly, still, and you will end up with uneven and unpleasant gaps effectually your pavers.

Start with a small cutting at the border of the paver. The primal to cutting around the pavers is to have the tip of the blade pressed on the hard edge of the paver, riding along the perimeter every bit you cut the grass.

Be sure to cut in small-scale increments. Continue the backlog grass rolled and pulled backward with your empty hand, and cut with an "upward and dorsum" movement to avoid damaging the grass fibers.

A standard utility blade or box cutter is fine for this job. However, you should switch out the blades frequently to go along the knife sharp and fresh.

The ideal finish upshot is a small-scale gap of virtually one/8 inch between the paver and the grass. The grass blades will comprehend up this gap naturally.

You want to avoid making the gap too pocket-size considering this causes the grass to meaty and bunch upward along the paver edge.

On the other hand, if the gap between the bogus grass and pavers is too wide, it is going to be visible, making the backyard look patchy and unprofessional.

Step 6: Secure The Artificial Grass

Afterwards the cutting is done, it's fourth dimension to permanently secure the artificial grass to the basis. The best manner to do this is with nails, as it will ensure good drainage through the grass backing.

Place 5 inch galvanized nails in the corners of each paver, and 3 ½ inch nails centered in between the pavers spaced four inches apart. Once this is washed, yous can remove the temporary spikes from Step 3.

For hard surfaces like physical and stone, you will accept to secure the grass using gum. Be sure to make clean the surface get-go, and apply an adhesive fabricated specifically for artificial grass.

In such cases, we recommend using the gum sparingly to avoid blocking drainage into the ground.

Stride 7: Trim And Make The Joins

Finally, it is time to go back and make whatever necessary joins between the panels of artificial grass.

Joins are a crucial part of your lawn, and must be made carefully so that you have a strong seam. They must as well remain invisible when the installation is done.

Start by trimming the grass and preparing the joins first. A minimum of three rows of grass blades should be removed from either side to ensure an invisible join.

Yous desire these to be close plenty for a seamless join just not likewise close to agglomeration upward the grass fibers.

The best manner to secure the joins is to apply joining tape and glue. Once that is done, you should allow the glue to dry before moving on to the adjacent stage.

We recommend checking out our complete artificial grass joining guide for detailed instructions on this footstep.

Step eight: Install Infill And Brush

After all the cutting, securing, trimming, and joining is done, all that'southward left is to install the infill and brand some final touches.

The infill is made up of diverse materials in grade of a fine sediment, such as sand, rubber, or cork.

Infill serves a number of purposes, including keeping the grass blades upright, cooling the backyard, and ensuring good drainage. When it comes to artificial grass maintenance and longevity, infill is a must.

It is important to add the infill slowly past hand since the strips of grass are narrower than in a typical installation. Once that step is done, you can give the grass a skilful brushing to fluff up the grass fibers and stop the task.


Artificial grass is a great addition to any yard. Information technology makes lawn intendance a breeze and brings a whole range of unique benefits. A skillful installation is durable and easy to care for.

If you already have a detailed mural, including pavers on your one thousand or driveway, it's no reason to avoid artificial grass! Only follow the steps above, and you'll be able to lay artificial grass in between the paving stones.

Afterward all the hard work is done, you lot have a revamped yard with a beautiful new layout that requires minimal attention, and will last for many years to come.


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