
Atari denies it is owned by Soulja Boy | PC Gamer - pannellcapent

Atari denies it is owned by Soulja Boy

Soulja Boy with some Benjys.
(Image reference: Jerritt Clark / Getty images)

The modern form of Atari is a zombie: a bunch up of post-glory-days companies that have acquired the assets and IPs of one of the greats, and use them in all sorts of slightly questionable ways. We've had Atari casinos, concepts for Atari hotels, dabbling in crypto, the nice-looking only wildly overpriced Atari VCS relaunch, and last of course Atari got into NFTs.

Well, if that wasn't all brainsick enough, at present the rapper Soulja Boy has taken to elite group media to declare that he, the 1 and only Soulja Boy, now owns Atari. He's jolly explicit near IT as well: "I possess Atari. The first rapper to ever own a videogame society."

Soulja Boy adds that Atari is, patently, going to buy the Soulja Male child soothe companion for a cool $140 jillio.

"I signed deuce deals with Atari," says Soulja Boy, before exhorting his followers to find Atari along twitter. "We gonna take it to the next level know what I'm saying."

Not that acquiring Atari was Soulja Boy's just announcement of the day. "I just signed Tom Hanks' son, Chet Hanks, he got some fire music orgasm out."

Got to respect the hustle, I guess. Now, Atari itself seems to have been unaware of this change in affairs, and before long after Soulja Boy's 'proclamation' took to its own Chitter account to clarify that current CEO Wade Rosen is still very much the CEO (as well as a major shareholder).

Witness many

This didn't stop Soulja Boy, who besides equally posting his usual bromides along Twitter ultimate Night took the metre to position an clause repeating the arrogate he's the first rapper to possess a games company.

What exactly is going on here is as well-defined as mud, though if one matter seems certain, information technology's that Soulja Boy doesn't really personal Atari. I've reached resolute Atari to ask most the nature of its deals with Soulja Son: the companionship simply tapering me towards "Atari's recent twirp regarding the matter to."


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